Beacon Wake-up Activator System for Precise Positioning
Beacon Activator & Wake-up system combines two technologies, to better performance in localization.
BluEpyc Hybrid System: Low Frequency for data accuracy, Bluetooth Low Energy for data transmission.

Being radio propagation affected by the environment, Bluetooth Low Energy doesn’t guarantee an accurate localization.
In addition to this, you have to reduce the power of the antenna, if you want to increase the battery life, and this generates, as a side effect, a reduction in the RSSI (Received Signal Strenght Indicator) value.
To overcome such limits of Bluetooth in localization, BluEpyc developed in the past a Real-Time Location System solution inspired by the Zone Method and based on two Bluetooth LE components: the Gateway and the EchoBeacon, a kind of bridge between Beacon and Gateway.
The next performing step on localization is the special hybrid system, designed by BluEpyc and based on the Beacon Activator device with low-frequency radio waves for the activation (awakening) of the Tag Beacon and on the Beacon Wake-up: such dual-technology architecture allows the precise identification of objects or persons during the transit through thresholds or gates.
The system is composed by
- Beacon Activator: it operates in radio transmission technology LF and sends a special activation signal up to 3.5 m; the device creates a radio field, a kind of 3D bubble in which the signal is received by the special Beacon Wake-up.
- Beacon Wake-up, combining 2 radio technologies: it collects the data wirelessly (via radio waves) from the Beacon Activator and transmits the Bluetooth LE signal to the EchoBeacon or Gateway in the surrounding area.
As the Beacon Activator transmits the data with its own identification code, the Beacon Wake-up not only comes out of the deep-sleep state (with very low power consumption) and wakes up, but it’s also able to know the accurate position: the Beacon transmits an advertising whose dataset also contains the ID of the Beacon Activator that woke it up.

BluEpyc’s Beacon Activator & Beacon Wake-up system allows you to calculate its position more accurately than a standard Bluetooth LE architecture, all with small devices.
The most striking feature of the Beacon Activator & Wake-up system is its flexibility, thanks to the on-board firmware, so that it easily meets the specific project needs.
By integrating Bluetooth Low Energy technology for long-distance detection with Low-Frequency technology, characterized by a precise data acquisition, this system allows proximity identification, with long-range data transmission and wireless configuration.
Another advantage is the considerable energy saving, as the adoption of passive technology allows the use of the battery only when the Bluetooth signal is transmitted (battery life up to 4/5 years).
The several operational functions of the Tag Beacon Wake-up, based on the release Bluetooth 5.1, can be configured (or deactivated) via Android App, making the Beacon Activator & Wake-up system pliable, able to select and transmit only useful data (edge computing) for specific project requirements.
All this means, Big Data are filtered and processed in a more efficient and proactive way: among the benefits of such hybrid architecture, the ability to provide the user with location-based services at high added value, in the exact place and time, as required in Building Automation projects, and more (just think of the proximity marketing sector), all this by stabilizing the data flow and reducing latency times.
As localization accuracy is a compromise between the sensitivity of the Beacon and the power of the Beacon Activator, our hybrid system is a flexible and adjustable one; user just has to configure these parameters with an app, according to the project needs: is it more important to know precisely the position of an object/person or to expand the detection area of the Beacon, at the expense of accuracy?
The new Bluetooth LE architecture is the ideal tool, whenever it is necessary to identify the precise, automatic tracking and exact presence of people and/or objects in the current technological IoT infrastructure, especially in the Industry (process automation and logistic), Smart City and Agrifood, all wirelessly.