Innovation and concreteness
A&T 2019 is the ideal place to know, test and evaluate industrial technologies 4.0
BluEpyc, the Business Unit of SOFTWORK Group focused on design and production of BLE (hardware and firmware) systems, will exhibit at A&T 2019 (Booth E10-E12), the top Italian fair to know, experience and evaluate industrial technologies 4.0, which will take place in Turin from 13th to 15th February 2019.

Exhibition booth, with an area dedicated to Live Technology, formative path 4.0, the ideal common thread between the our technology showed and selected innovative experiential contents, two Easy Speeches at the Specialist Conferences focused on Production and Logistic will give the visitors a deep technology experience, getting in touch with the most advanced BLE ideas and devices.
Among the several products presented at this fair, Gateways and EchoBeacons, both in desktop and wall/ceiling mount version, as well as standard and customized Beacons, with different accessories.
In particular, the exhibition area presents the new systems Bluetooth Low Energy based, for the identification, traceability and localization (IPS – Indoor Positioning System) of items and people: stand and live experience will create the scenography of the entire BluEpyc technological proposal.
From the Tag/Beacon designed and created ad hoc (including KeyBeacon for a Building Automation solution), to the EchoBeacon (with the new USB version of this device), the BLE signal repeater designed to create a granular data collection network (indoor micro-location), and Reader/Gateway.
BluEpyc devices will be presented in different housing, each one with specific technical features and ideal performances for different scenarios, such as Process Automation and Maintenance in the industry sector, where the data follows the production process (production time, warehouse status, goods delivery, etc.) and helps obtain statistic data used to improve the whole process, cutting costs and saving time (key-goals of an efficient factory).