BLE Beacon R.3 for anti Covid-19 contact tracing low cost general purpose Beacons - push button - anti social distancing and contact tracing - with proximity warning.
BluEpyc BLE Beacon R4 for social distancing
Massimo Damiani2020-11-06T16:25:38+01:00BLE Beacon for anti Covid-19 social distancing & contact tracing with proximity warning buzzer & vibration feedback. Rechargeable & replaceable battery

BluEye BLE EchoBeacon for social distancing special edition
Massimo Damiani2020-11-06T16:28:11+01:00BluEpyc Bluetooth Low Energy EchoBeacon Industrial - BLE repeater EchoBeacon special edition for social distancing. Identification, localization & Indoor Assemblies alarm of people in limited areas.
BluEpyc BLE Beacon Wake-up
Massimo Damiani2020-11-06T16:26:01+01:00BluEpyc Bluetooth Beacon Activator - designed for industrial and outdoor use (class protection IP66). Generate an accurate activation area (with identification code) to wake-up the Beacons in deep sleep mode.
BluEpyc BLE Beacon Activator
Massimo Damiani2020-11-06T16:28:38+01:00BluEpyc Bluetooth Beacon Activator - designed for industrial and outdoor use (class protection IP66). Generate an accurate activation area (with identification code) to wake-up the Beacons in deep sleep mode.
BluEpyc BLE Gateway wall mount
Massimo Damiani2020-11-06T16:30:34+01:00BluEpyc BLE Gateway wall mount is a small size in door device, with web server on board, CPU & I/O; reading range up to 100 mtr
BluEpyc BLE EchoBeacon USB dongle
Massimo Damiani2021-03-04T15:10:38+01:00BluEpyc Bluetooth Low Energy EchoBeacon USB is a small and inexpensive device that allows identification and localization of people or objects with beacon tags in limited areas.
BluEpyc BLE Disk Beacon & Accessories
Massimo Damiani2020-11-06T16:25:13+01:00BluEpyc BLE Disk Beacon with push button & label with Mac Address low cost general purpose Beacons with a variety of silicone accessories. Customizable with different color & logos.
BluEpyc BLE EchoBeacon Industrial
Massimo Damiani2020-11-06T16:27:43+01:00BluEpyc Bluetooth Low Energy EchoBeacon Industrial - designed for industrial and outdoor use (class protection IP66). It allow identification and localization of people or objects with beacon tags in limited areas.
BluEpyc BLE Smart KeyBeacon
Massimo Damiani2020-11-06T16:26:12+01:00BluEpyc BLE Smart KeyBeacon is a fully configurable Bluetooth Low Energy Beacon with 3 action push buttons. Suitable to communicate different user status/needs (notify presence, emergency alerts sending, area access, etc.)
BluEpyc BLE EchoBeacon with I/O
Massimo Damiani2020-11-06T16:27:33+01:00BluEpyc Bluetooth Low Energy EchoBeacon is a small and inexpensive device that allows identification and localization of people or objects with beacon tags in limited areas.
BluEpyc BLE Desktop Gateway
Massimo Damiani2020-11-06T16:30:10+01:00BluEpyc Bluetooth Low Energy Desktop Gateway is an elegant and small size device, with web server on board; reading range up to 100 meters...
BluEpyc BLE Industrial Gateway
Massimo Damiani2020-11-06T16:30:22+01:00BluEpyc Bluetooth Low Energy Industrial Gateway is an elegant and rugged device, with web server on board, CPU & I/O; reading range up to 100 meters...